Let’s make a difference

Speaking & Teaching

Do you know the best way to engage an audience? How about the best way to teach someone something they’ll remember? What about the best way to inspire and empower others? The best way to make a meaningful connection and impact? It’s through stories—vulnerable, authentic, and genuine storytelling that connects us all at a deeper level. But sharing our deepest struggles, mistakes, and vulnerabilities isn’t always easy, especially with a room full of people you may not know. That’s why finding a speaker who can do that can be so difficult. Even though it may be harder to find someone willing to do this, it’s in this sharing of stories that we create the deepest connections and leave a lasting impact on others.

I wholeheartedly believe in the power of sharing stories because I’ve experienced its transformative effect in my own life. When I was going through the darkest and most challenging times, it was the stories of others—of their triumphs, their hurt, their joy, and their resilience—that helped pull me through.

As I journeyed through my own hardships, I discovered that speaking on these topics became a way for me to cope, make sense of my experiences, and channel my story into a greater purpose—to help others navigate their own challenges and lives.

So, at the core of every topic I speak on or teach, you’ll find a genuine desire to use my story in a way that will inspire, empower, educate, and equip others on their own journey—whatever that may be. Whether it’s chronic illness, passion, purpose, positive impact, overcoming adversity, learning to own your story, or one of the other topics I speak on that you can learn about below, I want to be here to help you put on an event, a seminar, a panel, a podcast—something that matters and can make a difference. If you’re looking for someone to join you in creating a meaningful impact on your audience, I’d be honored to partner with you to change lives through the power of stories. Let’s connect and make a difference together!

Public Speaking

Hi there! I'm Haley James!

My journey as a speaker began the same as many speakers do – long before they are actually speaking anywhere – with the hardship that they will later come to speak on. As you may know already from my site, for me, that hardship happened in my early 20s when I became very sick with multiple chronic and rare conditions.

For 10 years, I was fighting for my life, relying on a feeding tube and infusions to survive. I spent many years advocating for myself in the doctor’s office and with insurance. Witnessing and experiencing how broken the system was firsthand really brought me to a place where I wanted to expand my advocacy efforts. I knew I could speak and share my story to try to make others feel less alone, bring awareness to the problems, and help others get the help they need—so I did.

Starting with just a few people here and there, my speaking engagements gradually expanded as I became more involved in disease-specific organizations, hosting statewide support groups, and speaking at online events. As my health improved, I became even more involved in chronic and rare disease advocacy, sharing my story and presentations with members of Congress and other patient advocates to try to make a difference legislatively for myself and others.

While I loved (& still love) being able to advocate in those ways, I knew that I didn’t want to stop trying to find more ways to help others like me—there was SO much more that I felt needed to be done. I didn’t know where to start though, so I reflected on all of the hard things I had been going through and tried to pinpoint what had helped me most. I realized the thing that in many ways saved me—was actually hearing people’s stories, experiences, tips & tricks online. Through hearing from these other patients, I was able to get to the right doctors, get diagnosed, and feel less alone on my journey.

Inspired by these creators, I decided I wanted to pay forward all that they had given me and create something to help all those going through what I had gone through and was still going through. While trying to figure out what I could do that would help, I came up with a formula that helped: Pain → Passion, Purpose, Positive Impact. I came up with this when reflecting on each pain point I experienced and asked myself how I could use my passions and talents to make a difference. What purpose could it serve, and how can it help make a positive impact on people most?

I applied this formula again and again, leading to the creation of three businesses, a non-profit, four podcasts, multiple YouTube channels, Instagram accounts, online stores, and so much more! Each project became a way to turn my pain into something positive, helping me heal and begin to truly turn that pain into something good that helped others!

But this formula didn’t just help me. I saw my friends struggling with their own hardships and their own pain, with many coming to me, knowing the depths of darkness I had been through, asking for guidance. One of the first things I could think to do was help share my formula with them. I watched as they, too, began to create lives they truly loved. This happened so many times that I even had two of them tell me that doing this helped save their lives because it gave them a reason to fight to stay. That had been my experience too. It became very clear that there was a real power in and a real need for this formula and message to be shared.

That’s when I began speaking publicly about my journey. All the parts of it: the mental health, the chronic illnesses, the rare diseases, advocacy & activism, learning to own your story, overcoming adversity, entrepreneurship, street interviews, and turning my struggles into my strength to create a life I truly love, filled with passion, purpose & positive impact.

All of this has brought me here now, where I speak on a variety of topics and aim to share my experiences and by doing so inspire, educate, empower, and equip the audience I am speaking to, no matter the topic. I have spent the last few years honing my craft and my messages so that I am able to get out there and share it with others with the hope that it will help them on their journey—whatever that may be. I would love nothing more than to come alongside you and make a difference in people’s lives and the world—together.

Current Positions

CEO/Founder, Advocate, YouTuber & Podcast Host

It’s Haley James Media

CEO/Founder & Designer

The Chronic Collective

CEO/Founder, Designer & Podcast Host

Health & Home

CEO, President & Founder (Non-Profit)

Rise & Rally


Common Topics I speak on

I specialize in a range of areas including motivational speaking, educational presentations, and sharing my personal experiences and commentary on a variety of topics. 

Using my own life experiences and challenges as a backdrop, I offer practical advice, support, and actionable strategies for individuals and organizations looking to make a positive impact in their lives and communities.

If you think I might be a good fit, reach out! I’m always looking for new opportunities to connect with others on a similar mission as me! I look forward to working with you to make a difference!

As a motivational speaker, I am passionate about helping individuals and organizations achieve their goals by sharing my insights and experiences on topics such as passion, purpose, positive impact, goal setting, resilience, entrepreneurship, and self-advocacy. My goal is to inspire, motivate, and empower audiences to reach their full potential and create the life they truly desire. Whether it’s a podcast, panel, keynote speech or workshop, I am committed to delivering engaging and informative presentations that leave a lasting impact!

Common Topics: 

  • Passion and Purpose
  • Goal Setting and Achievement
  • Resilience and Overcoming Adversity
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Service & Impact
  • Self-Advocacy and Empowerment
  • Leadership and Team Building
  • Personal Growth and Development
  • Mindset and Motivation
  • Communication and Influence
  • Success Strategies and Habits

Through my passion project and societal movement, “Someone Needs to Hear Your Story”, where I aim to empower individuals to embrace their experiences, their triumphs and challenges, and own and share their stories – it became very clear that this practice of asking intentional questions and sharing our stories is not something we naturally do in our lives and shouldn’t be limited to my interviews on the streets. I believe it should be a normal and typical occurrence in our day-to-day conversations taking place around kitchen tables, in our workplaces, at get togethers, holidays and more! But we don’t ask those questions or have those conversations – and I think that should change. That’s why I have taken up speaking on ways we can own and share our stories with others and also inspire, empower and equip others to do the same. I truly believe that our stories are invaluable tools for connecting with others, inspiring change, and fostering empathy in our communities and I hope that by speaking on this topic and using tools I have created such as the “Someone Needs To Hear Your Story” card deck to help facilitate these discussions with the audience, I can encourage others to truly own their stories through the act of sharing them with others. 

As someone who has spent the last decade navigating 20+ chronic conditions, treatments, medical aids, rare diseases, infusions, and both western and eastern medicine, I have a deep understanding of the challenges and complexities that come with managing chronic illness. Through my personal experiences, I have become a passionate advocate for patient empowerment, education, and access to quality healthcare.

As a speaker, I draw upon my own journey and share insights and strategies to help others navigate their own healthcare journey. Whether it’s understanding the healthcare system, advocating for yourself or loved ones, or managing multiple conditions, I am committed to providing informative and engaging talks that help patients and healthcare professionals alike!

Common Topics: 

  • Patient Empowerment and Advocacy
  • Chronic Illness Management
  • Navigating the Healthcare System
  • Integrative Medicine and Complementary Therapies
  • Patient Advocacy & Activism
  • Healthcare Communication and Collaboration
  • Coping with Medical Trauma and PTSD
  • Mental Health and Chronic Illness
  • Rare Disease
  • Caregiving and Family Support
  • Enteral Nutrition
  • Self-Care and Wellness Practices

As someone who has navigated over 20 chronic conditions, I understand firsthand the challenges that come with recognizing symptoms, finding the right diagnosis, and accessing the care and support needed to manage chronic illnesses. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing my own story and experiences with others. By speaking openly and honestly about my journey, I hope to help other patients recognize their symptoms sooner, know where to get help, and feel less alone in their struggles.

It’s important to note that it’s not and should never be on the patient to figure out their symptoms and get the right diagnosis. That’s why I’m also available to speak to medical professionals in an office or conference setting to talk about and raise awareness of these conditions. By educating healthcare professionals about the symptoms, diagnosis, and management of chronic illnesses, we can ensure that patients receive the proper care and support they need. My goal is to help prevent other patients from going undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for as long as I did, and I’m committed to advocating for better healthcare practices and policies that prioritize patient care and well-being.

Conditions I Have/Had & Can Speak On: 

  • Autoimmune Autonomic Ganglionopathy (A.A.G.)
  • Autonomic Small Fiber Neuropathy (A.N.)
  • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (P.O.T.S.)
  • Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction (C.I.P.O.)
  • Gastroparesis
  • Intestinal Dysmotility
  • Esophageal Dysmotility
  • Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome (S.M.A.S.)
  • Bilateral Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (T.O.S.)
  • Heavy Metal Poisoning
  • Raynaud’s
  • Celiac Disease
  • Non-Diabetic Hypoglycemia
  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (M.C.A.S.)
  • Muscle Tension Dysphonia (M.T.D.)
  • Medical Induced Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-P.T.S.D.)
  • Mold Illness
  • C-Difficile
  • Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth (S.I.B.O.)
  • Traumatic Brain Injury

I have truly benefited from having access to a range of medical devices and medications that have helped me manage my symptoms and maintain my quality of life.

Whether it’s talking to other patients and families about what it’s been like to have a feeding tube or addressing a group of blood donors at an event to thank them for their life-saving donations, I’m passionate about sharing my own experiences with medical aids and treatments to help raise awareness about their importance, educate others on the experience, and help other patients feel empowered!

Medical Aids & Treatments I Have Experience With: 
  • Intravenous Immunoglobulin (I.V.I.G.)
  • AMT G-JET Feeding Tube
  • NJ Feeding Tubes
  • Mayo Clinic
  • Saline Infusions
  • Home Health
  • Dexcom
  • Kate Farms
  • Motility Testing
  • Autonomic Testing

I specialize in a range of areas including motivational speaking, educational presentations, and sharing my personal experiences and commentary on a variety of topics. 

Using my own life experiences and challenges as a backdrop, I offer practical advice, support, and actionable strategies for individuals and organizations looking to make a positive impact in their lives and communities.

If you think I might be a good fit, reach out! I’m always looking for new opportunities to connect with others on a similar mission as me! I look forward to working with you to make a difference!

As a motivational speaker, I am passionate about helping individuals and organizations achieve their goals by sharing my insights and experiences on topics such as passion, purpose, positive impact, goal setting, resilience, entrepreneurship, and self-advocacy. My goal is to inspire, motivate, and empower audiences to reach their full potential and create the life they truly desire. Whether it’s a podcast, panel, keynote speech or workshop, I am committed to delivering engaging and informative presentations that leave a lasting impact!

Common Topics: 

  • Passion and Purpose
  • Goal Setting and Achievement
  • Resilience and Overcoming Adversity
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Service & Impact
  • Self-Advocacy and Empowerment
  • Leadership and Team Building
  • Personal Growth and Development
  • Mindset and Motivation
  • Communication and Influence
  • Success Strategies and Habits

Through my passion project and societal movement, “Someone Needs to Hear Your Story”, where I aim to empower individuals to embrace their experiences, their triumphs and challenges, and own and share their stories – it became very clear that this practice of asking intentional questions and sharing our stories is not something we naturally do in our lives and shouldn’t be limited to my interviews on the streets. I believe it should be a normal and typical occurrence in our day-to-day conversations taking place around kitchen tables, in our workplaces, at get togethers, holidays and more! But we don’t ask those questions or have those conversations – and I think that should change. That’s why I have taken up speaking on ways we can own and share our stories with others and also inspire, empower and equip others to do the same. I truly believe that our stories are invaluable tools for connecting with others, inspiring change, and fostering empathy in our communities and I hope that by speaking on this topic and using tools I have created such as the “Someone Needs To Hear Your Story” card deck to help facilitate these discussions with the audience, I can encourage others to truly own their stories through the act of sharing them with others. 

As someone who has spent the last decade navigating 20+ chronic conditions, treatments, medical aids, rare diseases, infusions, and both western and eastern medicine, I have a deep understanding of the challenges and complexities that come with managing chronic illness. Through my personal experiences, I have become a passionate advocate for patient empowerment, education, and access to quality healthcare.

As a speaker, I draw upon my own journey and share insights and strategies to help others navigate their own healthcare journey. Whether it’s understanding the healthcare system, advocating for yourself or loved ones, or managing multiple conditions, I am committed to providing informative and engaging talks that help patients and healthcare professionals alike!

Common Topics: 

  • Patient Empowerment and Advocacy
  • Chronic Illness Management
  • Navigating the Healthcare System
  • Integrative Medicine and Complementary Therapies
  • Patient Advocacy & Activism
  • Healthcare Communication and Collaboration
  • Coping with Medical Trauma and PTSD
  • Mental Health and Chronic Illness
  • Rare Disease
  • Caregiving and Family Support
  • Enteral Nutrition
  • Self-Care and Wellness Practices

As someone who has navigated over 20 chronic conditions, I understand firsthand the challenges that come with recognizing symptoms, finding the right diagnosis, and accessing the care and support needed to manage chronic illnesses. That’s why I’m passionate about sharing my own story and experiences with others. By speaking openly and honestly about my journey, I hope to help other patients recognize their symptoms sooner, know where to get help, and feel less alone in their struggles.

It’s important to note that it’s not and should never be on the patient to figure out their symptoms and get the right diagnosis. That’s why I’m also available to speak to medical professionals in an office or conference setting to talk about and raise awareness of these conditions. By educating healthcare professionals about the symptoms, diagnosis, and management of chronic illnesses, we can ensure that patients receive the proper care and support they need. My goal is to help prevent other patients from going undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for as long as I did, and I’m committed to advocating for better healthcare practices and policies that prioritize patient care and well-being.

Conditions I Have/Had & Can Speak On: 

  • Autoimmune Autonomic Ganglionopathy (A.A.G.)
  • Autonomic Small Fiber Neuropathy (A.N.)
  • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (P.O.T.S.)
  • Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction (C.I.P.O.)
  • Gastroparesis
  • Intestinal Dysmotility
  • Esophageal Dysmotility
  • Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome (S.M.A.S.)
  • Bilateral Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (T.O.S.)
  • Heavy Metal Poisoning
  • Raynaud’s
  • Celiac Disease
  • Non-Diabetic Hypoglycemia
  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (M.C.A.S.)
  • Muscle Tension Dysphonia (M.T.D.)
  • Medical Induced Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-P.T.S.D.)
  • Mold Illness
  • C-Difficile
  • Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth (S.I.B.O.)
  • Traumatic Brain Injury

I have truly benefited from having access to a range of medical devices and medications that have helped me manage my symptoms and maintain my quality of life.

Whether it’s talking to other patients and families about what it’s been like to have a feeding tube or addressing a group of blood donors at an event to thank them for their life-saving donations, I’m passionate about sharing my own experiences with medical aids and treatments to help raise awareness about their importance, educate others on the experience, and help other patients feel empowered!

Medical Aids & Treatments I Have Experience With: 
  • Intravenous Immunoglobulin (I.V.I.G.)
  • AMT G-JET Feeding Tube
  • NJ Feeding Tubes
  • Mayo Clinic
  • Saline Infusions
  • Home Health
  • Dexcom
  • Kate Farms
  • Motility Testing
  • Autonomic Testing

Explore My Keynotes

Here are some of the types of places I speak & teach

















Here are some of the types
of communities I speak to

Ready to put on a meaningful & memorable event?!

Hire Me to Speak on "Someone Needs To Hear Your Story"

Whether you want me to jump in and be part of your event or maybe you’re looking for some help to make your get-together unforgettable, I’m here for you! Whether it’s giving insightful conference talks that pump up the crowd or organizing fun icebreaker activities with my ‘Someone Needs to Hear Your Story’ cards, teaming up with me for your speaking gig or event will definitely turn into a good time. 

I’m all about thought-provoking panel discussions, interactive university workshops, heartwarming workplace events, and captivating virtual webinars that go beyond location limits. By partnering with me, we can craft an event that sparks meaningful connections and empowers everyone to embrace the transformative potential of sharing their stories!

Ready to put on a meaningful & memorable event?!

Hire Me to Speak on "Someone Needs To Hear Your Story"

Whether you want me to jump in and be part of your event or maybe you’re looking for some help to make your get-together unforgettable, I’m here for you! Whether it’s giving insightful conference talks that pump up the crowd or organizing fun icebreaker activities with my ‘Someone Needs to Hear Your Story’ cards, teaming up with me for your speaking gig or event will definitely turn into a good time. 

I’m all about thought-provoking panel discussions, interactive university workshops, heartwarming workplace events, and captivating virtual webinars that go beyond location limits. By partnering with me, we can craft an event that sparks meaningful connections and empowers everyone to embrace the transformative potential of sharing their stories!

Ready To Work Together? Here's How It Works!


fill out the Form

Ready to learn more, move forward and get on the schedule? Great! Just click the button below and fill out the contact form choosing "Speaking and Teaching" as your reason for contact. Then myself or my team will reach out to you to discuss moving forward and next steps!


Consult & Book Your Date

We always begin with a consultation call, during which we will discuss your requirements, preferred timing, and all the necessary details to schedule and initiate our work. It's during this call that we will determine the most suitable pricing package and address any questions or concerns you may have.



Once the day we have been working towards finally arrives, you won't have to worry about a thing on my end! The hope for this day is that you will be able to focus on the people coming to your event and know that my portion of your event is all taken care of and ready to go! I already can't wait!


fill out the Form

Ready to learn more, move forward and get on the schedule? Great! Just click the button below and fill out the contact form choosing "Speaking and Teaching" as your reason for contact. Then myself or my team will reach out to you to discuss moving forward and next steps!


Consult & Book Your Date

We always begin with a consultation call, during which we will discuss your requirements, preferred timing, and all the necessary details to schedule and initiate our work. It's during this call that we will determine the most suitable pricing package and address any questions or concerns you may have.



Once the day we have been working towards finally arrives, you won't have to worry about a thing on my end! The hope for this day is that you will be able to focus on the people coming to your event and know that my portion of your event is all taken care of and ready to go! I already can't wait!

Got Some Questions?
Don't Worry, I have Answers!

In general, I’m available globally! There may be special considerations due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, such as travel restrictions, but that is something we can discuss when we connect!

Absolutely. Any of my presentations, or custom talks, can be delivered virtually!

As the needs of each event are unique, please fill out the contact form and we will be in contact to set up a time to consult about what you are looking for, needing and how we can land on a price that works for you! 

Yes, certain types of events are eligible for volunteer public speaking. This will be something we talk about when we have our first meeting!

Yes! This is part of what I do over on my interior design business, Health & Home. If you are interested in learning more about booking me to speak or teach on interior design and how to create a healthy home, head on over to this link to learn more!


Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

What is The Bloom? The Bloom is my personal letter to you, dedicated to supporting your growth and flourishing in all aspects of life – from your health, well-being and entrepreneurial pursuits to overcoming obstacles, discovering passions, stepping into purpose and finding avenues for positive impact – The Bloom is all about helping you create a life you truly love – whatever that looks like for you!

I like to think of The Bloom newsletter as the water, soil, or sunlight I hope to be able to give you to help you grow and bloom in your own life! That’s why as a member of The Bloom community, you’ll get heartfelt personal letters from me sharing stories, resources, tools, inspiration and support to help you on your personal growth journey.

The Bloom is here to meet you in all seasons of life – whether you’re feeling buried in the dirt eager to sprout or standing 10 ft tall aspiring to reach even greater heights, or somewhere in between, the bloom is here to inspire, empower, equip and support you on your journey to getting you to where you want to be and make a positive impact along the way. I hope you’ll come grow with us!

Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

What is The Bloom? The Bloom is my personal letter to you, dedicated to supporting your growth and flourishing in all aspects of life – from your health, well-being and entrepreneurial pursuits to overcoming obstacles, discovering passions, stepping into purpose and finding avenues for positive impact – The Bloom is all about helping you create a life you truly love – whatever that looks like for you!

I like to think of The Bloom newsletter as the water, soil, or sunlight I hope to be able to give you to help you grow and bloom in your own life! That’s why as a member of The Bloom community, you’ll get heartfelt personal letters from me sharing stories, resources, tools, inspiration and support to help you on your personal growth journey.

The Bloom is here to meet you in all seasons of life – whether you’re feeling buried in the dirt eager to sprout or standing 10 ft tall aspiring to reach even greater heights, or somewhere in between, the bloom is here to inspire, empower, equip and support you on your journey to getting you to where you want to be and make a positive impact along the way. I hope you’ll come grow with us!

Turning Obstacles into Opportunities: how To Take Your Greatest Struggle and turn it into your greatest strength

Life is a journey filled with a blend of everyday challenges and extraordinary trials. From minor inconveniences that test our patience to significant hurdles that shape our destinies, we all find ourselves navigating uncharted territories. Think about those minor roadblocks – traffic jams, missed flights, or forgotten appointments. They might be frustrating, but we usually find a way to overcome them. But what happens when life deals us a hand of major obstacles – the kind that change the entire course of our lives? How do we navigate the storms of loss, illness, or unexpected upheavals? These questions often loom larger than life, and we may not truly understand our response until we’re faced with them. It’s not a matter of if, but when. Perhaps you’re grappling with it now, have overcome it in the past, or will encounter it in the years to come. The crux of the matter is this: when confronted with life’s monumental challenges, what will you choose to do?

In my own journey, I confronted the profound impact of severe health obstacles. Suddenly, I was grappling with chronic conditions that shook the very foundation of my existence. Everything I had envisioned and planned for was pulled out from under me, and there I was, flat on my back, unsure of how to move forward. I had two choices – to succumb to misery and allow sadness to define my life, or to transform adversity into opportunity. It might sound like an easy decision, but when you are actually in the struggle, it is much harder to do than you would think.

It took time; it wasn’t an immediate decision or mindset shift. But eventually, I decided to make that mental switch. For me, that meant learning to reimagine what my life could look like. In that process, I learned that all those struggles that I thought disqualified me from pursuing my dreams and from stepping into my purpose and calling were actually the very things that equipped me to do so. By learning to reframe my mindset and to look at my obstacles as opportunities, I was able to begin creating a life filled with passion, purpose, and joy at greater levels than I could have before I got sick. I just wish I had been empowered to do so sooner, which is why I am here to share how you can do this for yourself.

In this talk, I’ll empower and equip you to take on that obstacle or challenge in your life and find a way to turn it into an opportunity to not just overcome it but soar over it and use it as a launchpad to create a life you love!

The Art Of Choice: How Your Mindset Can Empower You To Create The Life You Want

In our lives, there are many things that we don’t get to choose. They say, ‘Pick your battles,’ but sometimes your battles pick you instead.

Trust me when I say I did not choose to get sick. That was definitely not in the plans and not a battle I ever anticipated fighting at this magnitude—especially in my 20s. And while we may not get to pick the battle we are facing, we do get to choose how we react to it, and also—this is important—to view our reaction as a choice.

When we start to see the world through the lens of choice, even when things don’t feel like a choice, we begin to realize that we have far more power than we ever thought possible. We are empowered to view the choices we make in our battles as true choices and make decisions as active agents in our lives who can shape our futures and create the lives we want to live, not just be passive participants.

When I was presented with this mindset shift in therapy early on in my health journey, I did not respond well. Nope, I definitely didn’t feel like having to isolate for years from COVID-19 while my friends made their way out and about after two years because I was so immunosuppressed and sick I couldn’t catch it, or it could be deadly—was a choice. Though I didn’t view it as a choice, at the core it was. I didn’t view being sick and having to take my medications as a choice, but ultimately it was. This practice and thought pattern seeped into my approach and outlook on how I approached my work, my relationships, and how I decided to steer my life.

As I began to shift my perspective, I realized the power in viewing my responses as choices. Even when the battles are unexpected, we have the agency to determine how we react to them. Embracing this mindset transformed how I saw myself and my life.

When we view the world through the lens of choice, we open ourselves up to a world of empowerment. Even in the face of adversity, recognizing that we have the power to make decisions as active agents in our lives allows us to shape our futures and create the lives we genuinely want to live, rather than simply being passive participants.

In this talk, I’ll guide you through the transformative power of reframing your circumstances using the concept of choice. By recognizing the choices within our responses, we tap into a wellspring of personal power. I’ll share how this shift in mindset can enable you to embrace your own power, see yourself in a new light, and envision a future filled with possibilities!

You’ll learn how to make conscious choices that align with your goals, values, and desires, no matter what battles life throws your way. By mastering the mindset of the art of choice, you can shape your path and step into a life that is authentically yours to live!

Self-Advocacy: How To Get In The Driver's Seat Of Your Life

We are all on a journey through life, but not all of us are in the driver’s seat. Some of us are content to sit idly by and let life happen to us, while others take an active role in creating the life they want to live. Which one are you? I would be willing to bet you think you are in the driver’s seat – but are you really?

When I suddenly, devastatingly fell ill in my 20s, I spent the first few years sitting in that passenger seat, waiting for someone to help me get better and to where I wanted to be. I thought doctors, my parents, expensive specialists – someone would jump in and know where to go. So I waited and waited and waited, while I watched different people try to direct my health and my life, only to find that some of the people I thought would, for sure, know the way, just drove me into ditch after ditch after ditch. After enough times, I learned that no one was actually going to know where or how to get me where I wanted to go but me. So I hopped over into that driver’s seat, not just for my health but for my life, and that’s when my whole life changed.

It wasn’t until my life depended on taking control that I finally hopped over and took the wheel – and while your life may not depend on it in the same physical way as mine did, I believe that deciding and taking tangible action to become the true driver of your life saves your life to actually live it on your terms and in your way.

So, are you doing that? Really? Are you chasing that dream you’ve always had, or are you letting the fear of what others think hold you back? Are you allowing external circumstances to dictate your path, or are you boldly steering your own course? Are you following society’s timeline, or are you passionate about creating and finding peace in your own? Are you the one directing the journey, or are you just following the map that society has created for you? Let’s find out.

In this talk, I will equip and empower you to answer these questions and get back in the driver’s seat of your life so that you can start heading toward where you actually want to go!

It's Not Just The System: Why Healthcare Won't Change Until We All Take Steps To Change It

We all know that the state of the healthcare system is less than ideal. We hear about the long wait times, the high costs, and the difficulty in getting an accurate diagnosis or effective treatment. It’s easy to blame these issues on the system itself, and to some extent, that is true. The healthcare system is far from perfect and can even be harmful at times.

However, what we often fail to recognize is that we, as patients, are part of the system as well. We have a role to play in the quality of care that we receive. We need to own up to our part in the puzzle and take responsibility for our health.

It’s important to acknowledge that doctors and healthcare providers face challenges in diagnosing and treating chronic illnesses. But part of the reason why they might not have all the information they need is because we, as patients, are not always honest and straightforward about our experiences. We downplay our symptoms or fail to disclose important information that could lead to a better diagnosis or treatment plan.

Now I don’t believe for one second that any of us does that on purpose. Why would we? That wouldn’t benefit our care, but it is a defense mechanism from years of being gaslit and told we don’t know what’s happening in our own bodies that makes us doubt ourselves each time and hang our head in shame and embarrassment when they make us feel “silly” for even asking or that we might be lying because no one could feel that bad and “look as good as you look” – making us doubt that we were really feeling that way or that it was as big of a deal as it has felt in the first place – leaving us never wanting to bring up anything or seek help again in fear of that same response happening again. That has, at least, been my experience with the healthcare system and I’d be willing to bet it’s been some of yours too.

It’s time for us to become advocates for ourselves and for others in the healthcare system. We can do this by being open and honest with our healthcare providers about our symptoms and experiences. We can ask questions and seek out second opinions when we’re not getting the answers we need. We can also share our stories and experiences with others to help raise awareness about the challenges in the healthcare system.

Now, it’s important to note that it’s not our responsibility to fix the healthcare system. We are not obligated to provide emotional labor or to take on the burden of fixing a broken system on our own. But the system can’t change unless all parts of it, including patients, take steps to make it change.

So let’s change it together. Let’s be advocates for ourselves and for others. Let’s be honest and straightforward with our healthcare providers. Let’s share our stories and experiences to raise awareness about the challenges in the healthcare system. And let’s work together to create a system that provides high-quality, affordable care to everyone who needs it.

Turning Pain→ Passion, Purpose & Positive Impact

We all face struggles and hardships that often leave us questioning our purpose and direction in life. But through my journey, I discovered that pain doesn’t have to be the end—it can be the very beginning of something meaningful. I developed the Pain → Passion, Purpose, Positive Impact formula to help me and others transform pain into purpose, and in this talk, I’ll share how you can do the same.

As someone who has battled chronic and rare conditions, I found myself fighting for my life for years. During that time, I faced feelings of hopelessness, frustration, and uncertainty. But instead of letting that pain hold me back, I turned it into something powerful. This formula became the guiding light that helped me turn my struggles into something that not only healed me but also created a positive impact on others.

STEP 1: Pain → Passion
The first step is recognizing your pain. In this talk, I’ll help you explore the challenges you’ve faced, whether physical, emotional, or personal. Rather than avoiding this pain, we’ll dig deep and find the passions it can lead to. Often, the things that hurt us the most are the very areas we feel passionate about improving or changing.

STEP 2: Passion → Purpose
Once you’ve identified your passion, the next step is turning it into purpose. I’ll guide you through a process of discovering how your passion aligns with a greater mission. Whether it’s advocacy, creativity, or helping others, you’ll see how the things that light you up can become your purpose in life.

STEP 3: Purpose → Positive Impact
With your purpose identified, we’ll explore practical ways to turn it into a positive impact on the world around you. It might be through community work, launching a business, or using your story to inspire others. The goal is to take your personal journey and turn it into a force for good, helping others who may be facing similar challenges.

Result: A Life of Meaning, Strength, and Fulfillment
By the end of this talk, you’ll not only have a clear understanding of how to transform your pain → passion, purpose, and positive impact—you’ll be equipped with the tools to take action. My mission has always been about helping others turn their struggles into strength, and this formula is designed to do just that. No matter how difficult your journey has been, those challenges can become the foundation for a life you truly love, one that’s filled with purpose and fueled by passion. Together, we’ll explore how you can take the hardships you’ve faced and transform them into a source of power, healing, and contribution.

Living a life of passion, purpose, and positive impact isn’t just about finding success—it’s about creating a legacy that lifts up others, too. My hope is to inspire you to see that your story, no matter how painful, can be a beacon of hope for others, and that by embracing your journey, you can turn it into a force for good in the world. This formula isn’t just a guide to finding purpose—it’s a path to creating a life that’s meaningful, fulfilling, and filled with the strength that comes from overcoming adversity. Together, we can create a ripple effect that not only transforms your life but also positively impacts those around you.

Uncovering the Truth: Exposing Medical Gaslighting and Empowering Patients to Advocate for Their Health

For far too many chronically ill patients, the story is always the same: ‘You’re fine. It’s all in your head. You just have anxiety.’ Medical gaslighting and symptom dismissal are dangerous and widespread issues in healthcare. The problem is especially exacerbated for women and people of color seeking medical help for chronic conditions. This leads to many people being misdiagnosed and undiagnosed, leaving them without the care and treatment they desperately need.

I lived the painful reality of medical gaslighting, enduring five years prior to diagnosis of being told that my symptoms were all in my head when I suddenly became unable to eat or drink without getting sick. My symptoms were attributed to everything from anxiety and stress to just being overly sensitive. However, during those five years, the actual diagnosis of a paralyzed stomach, intestines, and esophagus was never considered.

The frustration and heartache of not being taken seriously, even as my health deteriorated, and I felt abandoned by the healthcare system that I believed was supposed to help me, left me feeling lost, helpless, and hopeless.

When I finally received a plethora of diagnoses after extensive research and self-advocacy, I thought I wouldn’t have to deal with someone not believing me again, and I felt like I could finally breathe a sigh of relief. However, that was not what happened. Even with medical evidence, I continued to face disbelief and skepticism from some doctors who couldn’t comprehend the complexities of my condition or insisted that the specialists must be wrong because it was a rare condition.

The pain of being told that something wasn’t happening to me when it clearly was felt like a constant battle against a system that didn’t understand or acknowledge my truth, my pain, or my humanity.

I am not alone in this struggle. Medical gaslighting and symptom dismissal are pervasive issues, particularly for women and people of color seeking help for chronic conditions. These problems have only worsened after the COVID-19 pandemic, which left millions chronically ill and disabled with symptoms and conditions that doctors don’t have classifications or education on.

Countless individuals are misdiagnosed or left undiagnosed, leaving them without the care and support they so desperately need. This talk is for them.

Through my own journey and the experiences of many others, I’ve learned valuable lessons in self-advocacy and finding the right healthcare support that have gotten me through and gotten me the help I desperately needed.

During this talk, we will walk through all of the ways that you can recognize what is happening, get support, help, and best advocate for yourself (or a loved one) so that you can feel more supported and confident on your way to getting the medical and human care you deserve.

The Power of Ownership: How to own your past so you can create a
purpose-filled future

We all have a story to tell, and often, we believe that accepting our past is the only way forward. But here’s the thing: “acceptance” can sound like settling, like surrendering to circumstances. Instead, let’s we should be empowered to OWN our past. 

Owning your past is about taking charge, rewriting the script, and becoming the author of your own journey. It’s a dynamic shift that empowers us to embrace our past, learn from it, and use it as a foundation of unshakeable confidence for what lies ahead.

Our narratives shape who we are and influence the steps we take toward the future. The stories we tell ourselves and others, regarding whether we merely accept our past or genuinely own it, create a narrative framework that can either hinder our progress or propel us forward.

In my own experience, I spent a lot of time telling myself and others the story that because I was sick, my life had lost its purpose, that it was my fault, that I couldn’t pursue my dreams, and that I wouldn’t recover. Then, I decided to flip the script and work on not only learning to be okay with what had become my reality, but actually learned to take the initiative to own my story and use it to create a life I could love and look forward to again. It changed everything. 

When I truly took ownership of my past, my story, and my circumstances, it gave me the confidence and guidance to move in a direction I genuinely desired—and I want the same for you.

In this talk, I’ll empower you to authentically take ownership of your past and the narrative you share with yourself and others so that you can go forward and build your purpose-filled future without being held back by your past!

Custom Talk

Have a specific talk idea in mind? Great! If you have a topic you want a presentation on, I would love to work and get creative with you to figure out how to craft the best presentation to support your audience!


Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

I love connecting with people in this community! It’s my favorite thing that I get to do and this is one of the places I love to do it!

I only ever want to send you things I truly believe in my heart will serve you, support you, equip you, empower you and make you feel seen, heard & loved! Which to me means 0% spam & 100% all good things!

As a welcome gift, you’ll instantly unlock a 10% discount on your first crewneck, gain immediate access to my most popular free guide and of course friendship with me and this community! We can’t wait to have you!


Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

I love connecting with people in this community! It’s my favorite thing that I get to do and this is one of the places I love to do it!

I only ever want to send you things I truly believe in my heart will serve you, support you, equip you, empower you and make you feel seen, heard & loved! Which to me means 0% spam & 100% all good things!

As a welcome gift, you’ll instantly unlock a 10% discount on your first crewneck, gain immediate access to my most popular free guide and of course friendship with me and this community! We can’t wait to have you!


Come Be Part Of
The Bloom!

I love connecting with people in this community! It’s my favorite thing that I get to do and this is one of the places I love to do it!

I only ever want to send you things I truly believe in my heart will serve you, support you, equip you, empower you and make you feel seen, heard & loved! Which to me means 0% spam & 100% all good things!

As a welcome gift, you’ll instantly unlock a 10% discount on your first crewneck, gain immediate access to my most popular free guide and of course friendship with me and this community! We can’t wait to have you!

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YAY! I'm So excited to have you joining this community!

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YAY! I'm So excited to have you joining this community!

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Also, be sure to check your email to make sure you received my welcome email that has your 10% off discount code so you can get another gift for yourself because you deserve it!