April 27, 2023

9 Ways Your Business Can Give Back Without Donating Money

choosing flowers

9 Ways Your Business Can Give Back Without Donating Money

When I started my businesses, I’m going to be honest – I had very little money. I was disabled, sick, and unable to hold down a job. I felt like I had no business creating a business – let alone 3! But I had a dream to create something meaningful and impactful in the world. And I wanted to make giving back a key component of any work that I did. However, I didn’t know how I could do that while also still making sure I had enough of an income to live off of.

So, I looked into the various ways I could go about giving back, and I learned two main things that changed my perspective. First, giving back doesn’t always need to be about money. There are so many other ways to give back that are just as meaningful. Second, you can give back to the world as a whole by making intentional choices with how you run your business. And that can be a great way to start giving back too.

Through my three ventures – It’s Haley James Media, The Chronic Collective, and Health & Home – I’ve worked hard to incorporate a variety of ways to give back that work best for each business. And today, I want to share some of those ways with you!

So, whether you’re just starting out or looking to make a change, there are plenty of ways to give back that align with your values and mission. And remember, even small steps toward giving back can make a big difference. So let’s dive in and discover some uplifting ways for businesses to make a positive impact on the world!

Sustainable Practices

One of the ways businesses can give back and make a positive impact on the world is by implementing sustainable practices. Not only does this benefit the environment, but it can also benefit your community by creating a healthier and more sustainable future. By using renewable energy, reducing waste, and sourcing locally, you can make a significant difference. Sustainable practices not only help preserve our planet, but can also save you money in the long run. Moreover, with more and more consumers becoming environmentally conscious, implementing sustainable practices can also be a way to attract and retain customers who value sustainability. So, whether you are a small business or a large corporation, incorporating sustainable practices can help your business give back meaningfully and impactfully.

Some ways I have done this have been by researching the companies that I work with and choosing to work with ones that prioritize sustainable practices in how they operate and what they create. Some easy ways to do this are by researching a company you are interested in, looking through lists of companies that have earned certain sustainability certifications, researching their products to see how they choose to use sustainable options, or simply emailing/calling the company directly.

Ethical Business

Running an ethical business means taking responsibility for the impact your business has on the world and making choices that prioritize people and the planet over profits. It’s about doing the right thing even when it’s hard, and not cutting corners when it comes to the welfare of employees, customers, and suppliers. Ethical businesses strive to make a positive impact on society by operating with transparency, fairness, and respect. By putting ethics at the forefront of your business, you not only build trust and loyalty with your customers but also contribute to a better world. At the end of the day, ethical business isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a way of doing business that benefits everyone involved.

Creating an ethical business should be a standard in my mind, but I know that unfortunately, that is not the reality quite yet. However, we can move the needle by doing what we can to make our businesses ethical. This will not only empower the companies that are doing the same but also educate consumers so they can genuinely feel good about where their money is going. If you are looking for some ideas, here are some of the steps I have taken to ensure that the businesses I run operate ethically. Hopefully, these insights are helpful for you as well! For starters, I make sure that everyone involved in the process, from my employees to the suppliers, are being paid fairly and working under good, healthy conditions. When it comes to creating products, I prioritize using ethically sourced materials and take the time to research every step of the process to ensure that people are being treated with respect and fairness. To minimize exposure to harmful chemicals for the workers and the consumer, I prioritize using non-toxic materials and products. It’s also important to me to be transparent with my customers, so I make sure they know who we work with and why. And last but not least, I implement sustainable and eco-friendly production methods whenever possible to minimize our impact on the planet.

Like I said earlier, I wish this was the standard, but I feel confident that if we all do our bit – over time it can be!

Non-Toxic Products And/Or Practices

Prioritizing non-toxic materials, practices, and/or products not only benefits the environment but also the health of your customers and employees. By choosing non-toxic materials, you’re creating a safer and healthier work environment for your employees and reducing the risk of health problems associated with toxic chemicals. Moreover, your customers will appreciate that your products are free of harmful substances and will be more likely to support your business in the long run. It’s important to note that while non-toxic materials may be more expensive, the cost is worth it in the long run as it can save people money on health bills and prevent pain later on from harsh chemicals that have been known to cause adverse health effects. By prioritizing others’ health and wellbeing, you’re demonstrating your commitment to creating a business that truly gives back.

Creating an ethical business that prioritizes non-toxic materials, practices, and products is not only beneficial for the environment and your community, but also for the health and well-being of your customers. If you’re unsure where to begin (it’s okay; I didn’t know either!), there are numerous resources available to guide you on your journey.

One approach is to research and compare the safety ratings of materials commonly used in your products, opting for those with the least harmful impact on the environment and human health. By understanding the production process and reaching out to companies involved in creating your product, you can work towards selecting non-toxic or less toxic options, reducing the use of harmful chemicals.

To identify companies with such practices, consider researching those that have earned specific non-toxic certifications. Alternatively, you can approach companies you admire and discuss the possibility of using non-toxic alternatives in their products, highlighting the market’s gap you’re willing to help fill. While this may seem daunting, it’s truly worth it, and initiating the conversation is simpler than you might think.

I’ve found that many material suppliers and companies are enthusiastic about sharing their efforts and are delighted to see customers caring about these matters. Taking these steps allows you to build a business that not only thrives but also contributes positively to the health of people and the planet!

Free Blog Posts & Educational Resources

When you’re running a business, giving back might seem like it has to involve a huge financial contribution, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, it’s as simple as sharing your knowledge and expertise with others. By offering free blog posts and educational content, you can give people access to information they might not have had before. This could be the key to helping them solve a problem, learn something new, or make more informed decisions about their lives. In a way, you’re empowering them with knowledge, and that’s a really meaningful way to give back. 

I love writing blog posts, so for me and my businesses, this has been a great and easy way to give back via content that I think could be useful for people. Whether it’s a guide to something or just some helpful tips, I want people to be able to learn something new and maybe even solve a problem they’ve been struggling with. And it’s not just blog posts, either. I’ve also created free resources and guides, podcasts, and youtube videos that people can use to improve their lives in some way. I feel like if I can share my knowledge with others and help them in even a small way, then that’s a great way to give back! You can check out my resources page to see some examples of what I mean. What I love about this option is that you don’t need a big budget to make it happen – all you need is some time and effort to create quality content that people will find valuable!

Donate Services

Donating services is another way that businesses can give back to their communities. Depending on the type of business you have, you may be able to offer pro-bono work or discounted services to individuals or organizations in need. For example, if you own a law firm, you could offer free legal services to those who cannot afford them. Or, if you are a web developer, you could offer discounted services to non-profit organizations. By donating your skills and expertise, you can help those who may not have had access to your services otherwise, and make a positive impact in your community. It’s important to consider what services you can offer and what types of organizations or individuals would benefit the most from your expertise. Donating services is not only a great way to give back, but it can also help you build relationships and connections within your community.

One way I’ve found to give back within my businesses is by identifying the specific group of people that my products or services are designed for, and figuring out how I can donate my skills or services to support them. It’s important to me that my donations go towards those who really need it and can benefit from it the most, rather than those who can already afford it. By doing this, I feel like I am making a real difference in someone’s life and it’s a great feeling to know that I’m using my business for good. Whether it’s a one-time donation or an ongoing partnership, it’s a way for me to give back and support those who need it most.

Donate A Portion Of Proceeds

Donating a portion of proceeds is a popular way for businesses to give back to their community and it’s an easy and effective way to make a difference without necessarily breaking the bank! Whether it’s donating a percentage of profits to a charity, non-profit organization, or a local cause, businesses have the opportunity to support causes that align with their values and help make a difference in the lives of others. This can be especially impactful for small businesses or those just starting out, as it provides an avenue for giving back that doesn’t necessarily require a significant financial investment. It can also serve as a way to connect with customers and foster a sense of community, as customers are more likely to support businesses that they feel are doing good in the world. It can also serve as a source of motivation for employees, who may feel a sense of pride and purpose knowing that their work is contributing to something greater than themselves!

My business, The Chronic Collective, has this option implemented where customers can donate 10% of their order to the disease-specific organization of their choosing (from the 50 or so we have vetted and provided). This allows them to feel good about supporting their own community, participating in research for their own or a loved one’s condition, and getting a product they are excited about! By doing this, my business not only adds to making a positive impact on the significant issue my customers are facing (their health) but also demonstrates that my business is socially responsible and cares about more than just making a profit. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved!

Share Your Experience On Giving Back To Inspire Others

You know I’m a big believer in sharing our stories and experiences to inspire, educate, equip and empower others and that definitely applies here! Sharing your experience on giving back is a great way to further give back by inspiring others to do the same! By sharing the impact that your business has had on the community, you can show others how even small actions can make a big difference. Sharing your story can also help to raise awareness about the issues that you care about, and encourage others to get involved in giving back to their own communities. It’s important to be transparent about your efforts and the impact that you have made, so that others can learn from your experience and follow in your footsteps. Ultimately, sharing your experience  can help create a ripple effect of positive change and inspire others to take action in their own way!

One approach I’m taking here is by writing this blog post, but there are many other avenues to consider. For example, you could create a YouTube video sharing your experience, put together a free resource guide on how you gave back through your business, or share about it on Instagram through a post, reel, or live video. By sharing about your experience and how it has benefited your customers, the organizations you support, and your business, you can motivate and inspire others to give back as well. This is incredibly impactful as you’re empowering others to make a difference and contribute to the greater good.

Partner & Lift Up Organizations Or People Doing Good

One impactful way to give back through your business is by forming partnerships or offering support to organizations and individuals dedicated to making a positive impact. Collaborating with non-profits, community initiatives, or social enterprises aligned with your values can amplify your business’s efforts in contributing to the greater good. By lending your resources, expertise, or platform to these organizations, you’re helping to amplify their reach and effectiveness!

Another thing you could do is start uplifting individuals who are making a difference in your community! You can do this by highlighting their stories on your platforms, sharing their accomplishments, and offering them a spotlight. This not only shows your support for their efforts but also encourages others to engage in acts of kindness and philanthropy. Through these partnerships and acts of recognition, your business can foster a sense of collective responsibility and inspire positive change!

Create A Meaningful Product

Sure, creating a meaningful product is a great way to give back as a business! It’s all about finding ways to make a positive impact on people’s lives through the products you offer. For example, you could create uplifting and encouraging apparel that helps people feel good about themselves and their place in the world. Or, you could design a water bottle that not only looks great but also reminds customers to stay hydrated and take care of their health. Another option is to create a product that raises awareness for an important cause, or for a situation that needs attention. By doing so, you’re not only providing a valuable product to your customers, but you’re also making a difference in the world.

I have found that in my businesses, creating physical products can be a powerful way to make a positive impact on people’s lives. When I create a product, I try to make sure that it inspires, empowers, equips, or educates the customer in some way. For example, if you haven’t been to my shop (check it out here) I sell various items from crewnecks to t-shirts, mugs, and more, that are intentionally designed to empower and inspire the people who purchase them to create a life they love! Another product I have created with this same intention is my collection of journals that are specifically tailored to the 9 different Enneagram personality types. Included are questions, affirmations, and meditations tailored to support each individual type in achieving their goals! (you can learn more and shop the journal here) The possibilities for making meaningful products are endless, and I’m excited to see what you create!

Go Forward & Give Back

Wow, we’ve covered so much in this blog post, but I am so glad we did because it is such an important topic! I hope you’ve found inspiration and ideas for giving back through your business. Whether you decide to donate a portion of proceeds, dedicate your time and services to volunteering, or craft a purposeful product – your options are boundless. You have countless ways to create a positive impact in your community and beyond, and I’ll be here, cheering you on every step of the way!

If you found this helpful, please leave a comment and share which ideas you’ve already incorporated into your business or plan to implement. AND be sure to share your business in the comments so we can all support you as you support others too! 

I’d love to hear about your experience in finding ways to give back, so be sure to reach out to me on Instagram by tagging me @itshaleyjames_ or by sending me a DM or email! I can’t wait to hear!

xx I love you, I mean it


Please note that all content on this page, website, and any affiliated resources is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of treatment from a physician. NO information on this page or website should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. Additionally, please be aware that some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, from which I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase through those links.

Hi! I'm Haley James

I’m a multi-passionate and purpose-driven entrepreneur, non-profit founder, chronic illness activist and advocate, podcaster, speaker, and healthy home interior designer.

But that’s not really who I am—it’s what I do. While that gives you some context, it doesn’t show you my heart or the reason I do what I do and that’s way more important, so let me tell you!

After being sick for 10 years with over 20 chronic and rare conditions, needing a feeding tube and weekly infusions to survive, I learned how short and fragile life is. 

I also learned that I wanted to make the most of the life I had and for me I knew that meant taking my pain and turning it into passion, purpose, and positive impact, so I could pay forward all the love, support, and help that others gave me in my time of need.

So that’s what I try to do here: share my story and journey to help inspire, empower, and equip others to turn their struggles into their strengths and create a life they truly love—filled with passion, purpose, and positive impact—while I work to do the same! I hope you’ll join me!

Hi! I'm Haley James!

I’m a multi-passionate & purpose-driven entrepreneur, non-profit founder, chronic illness activist & advocate, podcaster, speaker, and healthy home interior designer – but really I’m just a girl trying to find her way, who loves making things that I hope matter and make a positive difference in people’s lives!

After being sick for 10 years with over 20 chronic and rare conditions, needing a feeding tube and weekly infusions to survive, I learned how short & fragile life is. As I began to heal, I realized all I really wanted to do with my time was pay forward all the love, support, and help that others gave me in my time of need. 

So that’s what I try to do here: share my story and journey to help inspire, empower, and equip others to turn their struggles into their strengths and create a life they truly love—filled with passion, purpose, and positive impact—while I work to do the same! I hope you’ll join me!

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Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

What is The Bloom? The Bloom is my personal letter to you, dedicated to supporting your growth and flourishing in all aspects of life – from your health, well-being and entrepreneurial pursuits to overcoming obstacles, discovering passions, stepping into purpose and finding avenues for positive impact – The Bloom is all about helping you create a life you truly love – whatever that looks like for you!

I like to think of The Bloom newsletter as the water, soil, or sunlight I hope to be able to give you to help you grow and bloom in your own life! That’s why as a member of The Bloom community, you’ll get heartfelt personal letters from me sharing stories, resources, tools, inspiration and support to help you on your personal growth journey.

The Bloom is here to meet you in all seasons of life – whether you’re feeling buried in the dirt eager to sprout or standing 10 ft tall aspiring to reach even greater heights, or somewhere in between, the bloom is here to inspire, empower, equip and support you on your journey to getting you to where you want to be and make a positive impact along the way. I hope you’ll come grow with us!

Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

What is The Bloom? The Bloom is my personal letter to you, dedicated to supporting your growth and flourishing in all aspects of life – from your health, well-being and entrepreneurial pursuits to overcoming obstacles, discovering passions, stepping into purpose and finding avenues for positive impact – The Bloom is all about helping you create a life you truly love – whatever that looks like for you!

I like to think of The Bloom newsletter as the water, soil, or sunlight I hope to be able to give you to help you grow and bloom in your own life! That’s why as a member of The Bloom community, you’ll get heartfelt personal letters from me sharing stories, resources, tools, inspiration and support to help you on your personal growth journey.

The Bloom is here to meet you in all seasons of life – whether you’re feeling buried in the dirt eager to sprout or standing 10 ft tall aspiring to reach even greater heights, or somewhere in between, the bloom is here to inspire, empower, equip and support you on your journey to getting you to where you want to be and make a positive impact along the way. I hope you’ll come grow with us!


Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

I love connecting with people in this community! It’s my favorite thing that I get to do and this is one of the places I love to do it!

I only ever want to send you things I truly believe in my heart will serve you, support you, equip you, empower you and make you feel seen, heard & loved! Which to me means 0% spam & 100% all good things!

As a welcome gift, you’ll instantly unlock a 10% discount on your first crewneck, gain immediate access to my most popular free guide and of course friendship with me and this community! We can’t wait to have you!


Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

I love connecting with people in this community! It’s my favorite thing that I get to do and this is one of the places I love to do it!

I only ever want to send you things I truly believe in my heart will serve you, support you, equip you, empower you and make you feel seen, heard & loved! Which to me means 0% spam & 100% all good things!

As a welcome gift, you’ll instantly unlock a 10% discount on your first crewneck, gain immediate access to my most popular free guide and of course friendship with me and this community! We can’t wait to have you!


Come Be Part Of
The Bloom!

I love connecting with people in this community! It’s my favorite thing that I get to do and this is one of the places I love to do it!

I only ever want to send you things I truly believe in my heart will serve you, support you, equip you, empower you and make you feel seen, heard & loved! Which to me means 0% spam & 100% all good things!

As a welcome gift, you’ll instantly unlock a 10% discount on your first crewneck, gain immediate access to my most popular free guide and of course friendship with me and this community! We can’t wait to have you!

YAY! I'm So excited to have you joining this community!

As promised here is your first welcome gift! Just click below and it’ll automatically download!

Also, be sure to check your email to make sure you received my welcome email that has your 10% off discount code so you can get another gift for yourself because you deserve it!

YAY! I'm So excited to have you joining this community!

As promised here is your first welcome gift! Just click below and it’ll automatically download!

Also, be sure to check your email to make sure you received my welcome email that has your 10% off discount code so you can get another gift for yourself because you deserve it!

YAY! I'm So excited to have you joining this community!

As promised here is your first welcome gift! Just click below and it’ll automatically download!

Also, be sure to check your email to make sure you received my welcome email that has your 10% off discount code so you can get another gift for yourself because you deserve it!