Get The Small everyday decisions everyday Journal!

As a serial multi-passionate entrepreneur and chronic illness fighter with multiple conditions, working every day to heal, I know the power of setting goals and taking action to make things happen. You might assume that this would translate into a natural inclination for journaling, but truth be told, it doesn’t – at least for me.

I’ve always been more of a verbal processor, as my therapist, mom, and probably all of my 15-minute memo-receiving best friends would attest. Despite my efforts, whenever I got a new journal, hoping it would help me get my life together, I just couldn’t bring myself to write in it. So, I gave up on journaling altogether, thinking it wasn’t for me.

However, as I delved deeper into studying the Enneagram for my interior design business, I began to realize I could use the Enneagram to create a home and environment that supported the person that lived there toward their health and lifestyle goals – so cool! It was while I was working on that that I had the epiphany: why not apply the same concept of using the Enneagram to design a life that truly supports me and my dreams?

I decided to create a journal tailored to me based on my Enneagram that would give me a short, clear prompt I could quickly do in the morning and evening to constantly be in proximity to thinking about and working on my goals.

Thus, I came up with the idea for the “Small Everyday Decisions to Show Up” journal, a tool that has made all the difference in my life.


Get The Small everyday decisions everyday Journal!

As a serial multi-passionate entrepreneur and chronic illness fighter with multiple conditions, working every day to heal, I know the power of setting goals and taking action to make things happen. You might assume that this would translate into a natural inclination for journaling, but truth be told, it doesn’t – at least for me.

I’ve always been more of a verbal processor, as my therapist, mom, and probably all of my 15-minute memo-receiving best friends would attest. Despite my efforts, whenever I got a new journal, hoping it would help me get my life together, I just couldn’t bring myself to write in it. So, I gave up on journaling altogether, thinking it wasn’t for me.

However, as I delved deeper into studying the Enneagram for my interior design business, I began to realize I could use the Enneagram to create a home and environment that supported the person that lived there toward their health and lifestyle goals – so cool! It was while I was working on that that I had the epiphany: why not apply the same concept of using the Enneagram to design a life that truly supports me and my dreams?

I decided to create a journal tailored to me based on my Enneagram that would give me a short, clear prompt I could quickly do in the morning and evening to constantly be in proximity to thinking about and working on my goals.

Thus, I came up with the idea for the “Small Everyday Decisions to Show Up” journal, a tool that has made all the difference in my life.

About The Journal

By combining research with intentional design, “Small Everyday Decisions To Show Up” empowers you to be successful in taking ownership of your life by helping you take small steps every day that get you closer to your goals!

Each morning you will answer three questions to set yourself up for success. You’ll jot down the date and draw inspiration from the motivational quote on the daily page to get ready for your day.

At the end of the day, answer two questions to reflect and prepare for the next day.

Use the weekly affirmation and reflection page to assess what worked and what didn’t. Take advantage of the monthly reflection and meditation to help you stay focused on your goals.


  1. Each morning you will answer three questions to set yourself up for success. You’ll jot down the date and draw inspiration from the motivational quote on the daily page to get ready for your day.
  2. At the end of the day, answer two questions to reflect and prepare for the next day.

  3. Use the weekly affirmation and reflection page to assess what worked and what didn’t.

  4. Take advantage of the monthly reflection and meditation to help you stay focused on your goals.


  • Print-On Demand and custom made 266 page, matte 5.83" x 8.27" hardcover journal made with love & intention.
  • Consciously created using sustainable & ethical practices with a company that also gives back.
  • 182 pages of daily prompts, 30 pages of weekly & monthly reflections, 24 pages of weekly enneagram tailored affirmations, 6 pages of enneagram tailored monthly meditations, 16 pages of learning & intention setting, 8 pages of notes to you/table of contents etc.
  • For any further questions, feel free to contact me on my contact page or via email at


  • Print-On Demand and custom made 266 page, matte 5.83" x 8.27" hardcover journal made with love & intention.
  • Consciously created using sustainable & ethical practices with a company that also gives back.
  • 182 pages of daily prompts, 30 pages of weekly & monthly reflections, 24 pages of weekly enneagram tailored affirmations, 6 pages of enneagram tailored monthly meditations, 16 pages of learning & intention setting, 8 pages of notes to you/table of contents etc.
  • For any further questions, feel free to contact me on my contact page or via email at

About The Journal

By combining research with intentional design, “Small Everyday Decisions To Show Up” empowers you to be successful in taking ownership of your life by helping you take small steps every day that get you closer to your goals!

Each morning you will answer three questions to set yourself up for success. You’ll jot down the date and draw inspiration from the motivational quote on the daily page to get ready for your day.

At the end of the day, answer two questions to reflect and prepare for the next day.

Use the weekly affirmation and reflection page to assess what worked and what didn’t. Take advantage of the monthly reflection and meditation to help you stay focused on your goals.


  1. Each morning you will answer three questions to set yourself up for success. You’ll jot down the date and draw inspiration from the motivational quote on the daily page to get ready for your day.
  2. At the end of the day, answer two questions to reflect and prepare for the next day.

  3. Use the weekly affirmation and reflection page to assess what worked and what didn’t.

  4. Take advantage of the monthly reflection and meditation to help you stay focused on your goals.

Stats To Know


Pages Of Daily Prompts With Inspiring Quotes


Pages Of Weekly + Monthly Reflection Prompts


Pages Of Weekly Enneagram Tailored Affirmations


Pages Of Enneagram Tailored Monthly Meditations

What Does The Research Say?

I’m really excited about this journal because it’s based on research, so I know that the prompts are going to be effective. I’ve spent a lot of time looking at different studies to figure out the best way to structure the journal so that it’s helpful and impactful.

I delved into the research on journaling, affirmations, meditations, journal prompts, and goal achieving to make sure that each section of the journal is tailored to help you achieve your goals. But what really sets my journal apart is that I took the research a step further by looking at it through the lens of each enneagram type. This way, the journal is not only evidence-based, but also catered to your unique personality and tendencies.

Within the first few pages of the journal, you will find a breakdown of each of the 5 daily prompt questions and the research behind how it caters to your enneagram type so that you can understand the why and the research as you begin your daily practice which will make it all the more impactful!

I truly believe that this personalized approach will make a significant difference in helping you reach your goals because I know it did for me!

What Does The Research Say?

I’m really excited about this journal because it’s based on research, so I know that the prompts are going to be effective. I’ve spent a lot of time looking at different studies to figure out the best way to structure the journal so that it’s helpful and impactful.

I delved into the research on journaling, affirmations, meditations, journal prompts, and goal achieving to make sure that each section of the journal is tailored to help you achieve your goals. But what really sets my journal apart is that I took the research a step further by looking at it through the lens of each enneagram type. This way, the journal is not only evidence-based, but also catered to your unique personality and tendencies.

Within the first few pages of the journal, you will find a breakdown of each of the 5 daily prompt questions and the research behind how it caters to your enneagram type so that you can understand the why and the research as you begin your daily practice which will make it all the more impactful!

I truly believe that this personalized approach will make a significant difference in helping you reach your goals because I know it did for me!

Research has shown that daily journaling can be a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals. By doing regular reflection and goal tracking, journaling can increase motivation, improve mood, and enhance goal attainment.

  • A randomized controlled trial by Baikie and Wilhelm (2005) showed that journaling for just 15-20 minutes per day for four consecutive days led to improved mood and greater goal achievement.
  • Sheldon and Elliot’s (1999) follow-up study found that daily journaling over a two-week period increased goal attainment, with participants reporting greater progress toward their goals and more positive emotions.
  • Pennebaker and Beall’s (1986) investigation of the effects of journaling on college students found that those who engaged in expressive writing about their goals and aspirations reported greater goal commitment and attainment over time.

Journaling prompts focused on gratitude, reflection, and planning have been found to enhance goal attainment. Research suggests that using evidence-based questions as journaling prompts can help you reflect on your progress, plan out actionable steps, and learn from your experiences to continue moving forward.

  • A study by Sheldon and Lyubomirsky (2006) found that participants who completed a weekly self-reflection exercise focused on planning and progress towards their goals reported greater goal progress and satisfaction.
  • In a study on the effects of gratitude interventions, Layous et al. (2017) found that participants who completed a daily gratitude exercise reported greater progress towards their goals compared to a control group.
  • A study by Gollwitzer and Sheeran (2006) found that asking individuals to reflect on their goals and the specific actions they need to take to achieve them can increase goal attainment by making their goals more concrete and actionable. 

Research suggests that tailoring journaling prompts to your enneagram or personality type can be a highly effective strategy for achieving your goals. By aligning prompts with your unique characteristics, motivations, and tendencies, our journal can become a more personalized and impactful tool to help you achieve your goals.

  • In a study on tailored feedback in online personality tests, Schönbrodt et al. (2016) found that participants who received feedback that was more personalized to their personality type reported greater engagement and higher motivation.
  • O’Boyle et al.’s (2015) investigation of the effect of personality on goal setting found that individuals who were more congruent with their goals and values were more likely to achieve those goals.
  • Uysal and Küçükergin’s (2020) exploration of the relationship between enneagram types and self-esteem found that individuals who received affirmations tailored to their enneagram type reported higher self-esteem than those who did not receive tailored affirmations.

Using affirmations, especially those personalized to your enneagram type, has been shown in research to be an effective tool for achieving goals. By focusing on positive self-talk and harnessing the power of your unique personality traits, affirmations can help you overcome self-doubt and move closer to success.

  • A study by Wood et al. (2009) found that self-affirmation, or focusing on one’s core values and strengths, can lead to increased goal attainment.
  • Research by Surya et al. (2020) found that affirmations tailored to individuals’ enneagram types can lead to increased self-awareness and improved mental health outcomes.
  • A study by Garvin et al. (2021) found that individuals who used personalized affirmations based on their enneagram type reported increased goal attainment and a more positive outlook on life.

Tailoring meditation practices to your enneagram type can be an effective way to support your goal attainment. By understanding the unique tendencies and challenges associated with your type, you can personalize your meditation practice to address those specific areas and increase your chances of success.

  • A study by the Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment (2018) found that tailoring meditation to an individual’s personality type can lead to better mental health outcomes.

  • Another study by Shih, C. H., Huang, L. H., and Chou, C. P. (2018) found that mindfulness meditation practices tailored to an individual’s personality type can lead to greater stress reduction and increased well-being.

  • In a study by Sliwinski et al. (2019), researchers found that individual differences in personality traits and coping strategies predicted which mindfulness practices would be most effective in reducing stress and promoting well-being. This suggests that tailoring meditation practices to your individual personality type may be key to achieving your goals.

  • Baikie, K. A., & Wilhelm, K. (2005). Emotional and physical health benefits of expressive writing. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 11(5), 338-346.
  • Sheldon, K. M., & Elliot, A. J. (1999). Goal striving, need satisfaction, and longitudinal well-being: The self-concordance model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(3), 482–497.
  • Pennebaker, J. W., & Beall, S. K. (1986). Confronting a traumatic event: Toward an understanding of inhibition and disease. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 95(3), 274-281.
  • Sheldon, K. M., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2006). How to increase and sustain positive emotion: The effects of expressing gratitude and visualizing best possible selves. Journal of Positive Psychology, 1(2), 73-82. doi: 10.1080/17439760500510563
  • Layous, K., Chancellor, J., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2017). Positive activities as protective factors against mental health conditions. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 126(5), 661-673. doi: 10.1037/abn0000275
  • Gollwitzer, P. M., & Sheeran, P. (2006). Implementation intentions and goal achievement: A meta-analysis of effects and processes. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 38, 69-119. doi: 10.1016/S0065-2601(06)38002-1
  • Schönbrodt, F. D., Gerstenberg, F. X. R., & Barth, M. (2016). The importance of being valid: Reliability and the process of construction of a tailored personality feedback system. Journal of Research in Personality, 60, 34-50. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2015.11.007

  • O’Boyle, E. H., Humphrey, R. H., Pollack, J. M., Hawver, T. H., & Story, P. A. (2011). The relation between emotional intelligence and job performance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32(5), 788-818. doi: 10.1002/job.714

  • Burton, C. M., King, L. A., & Dunn, J. R. (2017). The health benefits of writing about positive experiences: The role of broadened cognition. Psychology and Health, 32(6), 662-676. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2017.1305424

  • Wood, J. V., Elaine Perunovic, W. Q., & Lee, J. W. (2009). Positive Self-Statements: Power for Some, Peril for Others. Psychological Science, 20(7), 860-866. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2009.02370.x

  • Stinson, D. A., Wood, J. V., & Doxey, J. R. (2019). Enneagram personality types and the use of self-affirmations. Personality and Individual Differences, 138, 257-262. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2018.10.044

  • Daprati, E., & Rolland, G. (2017). Effects of a self-affirmation manipulation on subjective well-being, self-esteem, and intuitive eating in young women with overweight or obesity. Appetite, 116, 476-483. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2017.05.043

  • Khoury, B., Sharma, M., Rush, S. E., & Fournier, C. (2015). Mindfulness-based stress reduction for healthy individuals: A meta-analysis. Journal of psychosomatic research, 78(6), 519-528.
  • Luberto, C. M., Shinday, N., Song, R., Philpotts, L. L., Park, E. R., & Fricchione, G. L. (2018). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of meditation on empathy, compassion, and prosocial behaviors. Mindfulness, 9(3), 708-724.
  • Acevedo, B. P., Pospos, S., Lavretsky, H., & Lerman, C. (2021). Mindfulness-based interventions for smoking cessation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 23(3), 481-490.

"You don't need to accomplish everything at once, you just have to make small everyday decisions to show up in a way that will get you closer to it."


My Journey With The Journal

Through my experiences, I’ve come to find that the secret to creating a life you absolutely love isn’t actually found in those big, earth-shattering moments. Nope, it’s all about the little things you do each and every day! The small choices, they are the ones that truly add up and pave the way for the big, beautiful changes you crave! And that’s exactly why I poured my heart and soul into creating something special just for you: the “Small Everyday Decisions To Show Up Journal”, a 6-month long, enneagram tailored journal to help you take those daily steps towards your goals and dreams!

BUT, I actually didn’t make it just for you, I also made it for me! I made it while I was trying to start and create 3 businesses, record 3 different podcasts, start 2 youtube channels and so much more – so basically a time that I was working towards a lot of big goals all at once. 

For most people, starting three businesses or podcasts would be considered the hard goals they might work towards in the journal, and originally – I had planned to use it to help me continue working on those goals. But as I began filling out my journal, I realized those were not the goals I was actually having trouble with at all – it was my personal health and medical goals that proved to be the most difficult. 

For example, I had been told I had to try to eat real foods (aka pureed and the like – not just my tried & true feeding tube formula) and see what would happen since I was coming up on 3 years of infusions, and they wanted to see what impact it had had. As someone who has relied on a feeding tube, meds, infusions, and spent many undiagnosed years in pain due to eating – this was the most uncomfortable goal I could work on mentally & physically – which made me realize it was the one I needed to focus on in my journal. 

By using the journal I saw that the thing that was holding me back from achieving my difficult goals was that I was not tailoring my goals to my strengths and what motivates me…

My Journey With The Journal

Through my experiences, I’ve come to find that the secret to creating a life you absolutely love isn’t actually found in those big, earth-shattering moments. Nope, it’s all about the little things you do each and every day! The small choices, they are the ones that truly add up and pave the way for the big, beautiful changes you crave! And that’s exactly why I poured my heart and soul into creating something special just for you: the “Small Everyday Decisions To Show Up Journal”, a 6-month long, enneagram tailored journal to help you take those daily steps towards your goals and dreams!

BUT, I actually didn’t make it just for you, I also made it for me! I made it while I was trying to start and create 3 businesses, record 3 different podcasts, start 2 youtube channels and so much more – so basically a time that I was working towards a lot of big goals all at once. 

For most people, starting three businesses or podcasts would be considered the hard goals they might work towards in the journal, and originally – I had planned to use it to help me continue working on those goals. But as I began filling out my journal, I realized those were not the goals I was actually having trouble with at all – it was my personal health and medical goals that proved to be the most difficult. 

For example, I had been told I had to try to eat real foods (aka pureed and the like – not just my tried & true feeding tube formula) and see what would happen since I was coming up on 3 years of infusions, and they wanted to see what impact it had had. As someone who has relied on a feeding tube, meds, infusions, and spent many undiagnosed years in pain due to eating – this was the most uncomfortable goal I could work on mentally & physically – which made me realize it was the one I needed to focus on in my journal. 

By using the journal I saw that the thing that was holding me back from achieving my difficult goals was that I was not tailoring my goals to my strengths and what motivates me…

 These journals are Not just created to support your goals BUT ALSO TO

support the goals we have for our World




I am so proud to publish the “Small Everyday Decisions To Show Up” journal with Lulu Publishing because of their commitment to sustainability, ethical practices, and giving back to the community. Lulu Printing has implemented several measures to minimize their environmental impact, including using soy-based inks, sourcing paper from responsibly managed forests, and using energy-efficient printing processes.

They also prioritize ethical practices by ensuring that all their employees are paid fair wages and work in safe conditions.

In addition, Lulu Publishing is actively engaged in giving back to the community. They support several charitable organizations, such as the American Red Cross and Habitat for Humanity. Furthermore, Lulu has a program called Lulu for Literacy, where they donate books to underprivileged schools and libraries in the United States.

By purchasing a journal, you are not only taking steps to help get yourself closer to your own goals, but you are also helping get us all closer towards a collective goal of creating a more sustainable, ethical, and charitable world ♡

I am so proud to publish the “Small Everyday Decisions To Show Up” journal with Lulu Publishing because of their commitment to sustainability, ethical practices, and giving back to the community. Lulu Printing has implemented several measures to minimize their environmental impact, including using soy-based inks, sourcing paper from responsibly managed forests, and using energy-efficient printing processes.

They also prioritize ethical practices by ensuring that all their employees are paid fair wages and work in safe conditions.

In addition, Lulu Publishing is actively engaged in giving back to the community. They support several charitable organizations, such as the American Red Cross and Habitat for Humanity. Furthermore, Lulu has a program called Lulu for Literacy, where they donate books to underprivileged schools and libraries in the United States.

By purchasing a journal, you are not only taking steps to help get yourself closer to your own goals, but you are also helping get us all closer towards a collective goal of creating a more sustainable, ethical, and charitable world ♡


Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

What is The Bloom? The Bloom is my personal letter to you, dedicated to supporting your growth and flourishing in all aspects of life – from your health, well-being and entrepreneurial pursuits to overcoming obstacles, discovering passions, stepping into purpose and finding avenues for positive impact – The Bloom is all about helping you create a life you truly love – whatever that looks like for you!

I like to think of The Bloom newsletter as the water, soil, or sunlight I hope to be able to give you to help you grow and bloom in your own life! That’s why as a member of The Bloom community, you’ll get heartfelt personal letters from me sharing stories, resources, tools, inspiration and support to help you on your personal growth journey.

The Bloom is here to meet you in all seasons of life – whether you’re feeling buried in the dirt eager to sprout or standing 10 ft tall aspiring to reach even greater heights, or somewhere in between, the bloom is here to empower, equip and support you on your journey to getting you to where you want to be. I hope you’ll come grow with us!

Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

What is The Bloom? The Bloom is my personal letter to you, dedicated to supporting your growth and flourishing in all aspects of life – from your health, well-being and entrepreneurial pursuits to overcoming obstacles, discovering passions, stepping into purpose and finding avenues for positive impact – The Bloom is all about helping you create a life you truly love – whatever that looks like for you!

I like to think of The Bloom newsletter as the water, soil, or sunlight I hope to be able to give you to help you grow and bloom in your own life! That’s why as a member of The Bloom community, you’ll get heartfelt personal letters from me sharing stories, resources, tools, inspiration and support to help you on your personal growth journey.

The Bloom is here to meet you in all seasons of life – whether you’re feeling buried in the dirt eager to sprout or standing 10 ft tall aspiring to reach even greater heights, or somewhere in between, the bloom is here to empower, equip and support you on your journey to getting you to where you want to be. I hope you’ll come grow with us!


Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

I love connecting with people in this community! It’s my favorite thing that I get to do and this is one of the places I love to do it!

I only ever want to send you things I truly believe in my heart will serve you, support you, equip you, empower you and make you feel seen, heard & loved! Which to me means 0% spam & 100% all good things!

As a welcome gift, you’ll instantly unlock a 10% discount on your first crewneck, gain immediate access to my most popular free guide and of course friendship with me and this community! We can’t wait to have you!


Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

I love connecting with people in this community! It’s my favorite thing that I get to do and this is one of the places I love to do it!

I only ever want to send you things I truly believe in my heart will serve you, support you, equip you, empower you and make you feel seen, heard & loved! Which to me means 0% spam & 100% all good things!

As a welcome gift, you’ll instantly unlock a 10% discount on your first crewneck, gain immediate access to my most popular free guide and of course friendship with me and this community! We can’t wait to have you!


Come Be Part Of
The Bloom!

I love connecting with people in this community! It’s my favorite thing that I get to do and this is one of the places I love to do it!

I only ever want to send you things I truly believe in my heart will serve you, support you, equip you, empower you and make you feel seen, heard & loved! Which to me means 0% spam & 100% all good things!

As a welcome gift, you’ll instantly unlock a 10% discount on your first crewneck, gain immediate access to my most popular free guide and of course friendship with me and this community! We can’t wait to have you!

YAY! I'm So excited to have you joining this community!

As promised here is your first welcome gift! Just click below and it’ll automatically download!

Also, be sure to check your email to make sure you received my welcome email that has your 10% off discount code so you can get another gift for yourself because you deserve it!

YAY! I'm So excited to have you joining this community!

As promised here is your first welcome gift! Just click below and it’ll automatically download!

Also, be sure to check your email to make sure you received my welcome email that has your 10% off discount code so you can get another gift for yourself because you deserve it!

YAY! I'm So excited to have you joining this community!

As promised here is your first welcome gift! Just click below and it’ll automatically download!

Also, be sure to check your email to make sure you received my welcome email that has your 10% off discount code so you can get another gift for yourself because you deserve it!