May 2, 2023

My Journey With THE Journal

journal of progress

My Journey With THE Journal

Through my experiences, I’ve come to find that the secret to creating a life you absolutely love isn’t actually found in those big, earth-shattering moments. Nope, it’s all about the little things you do each and every day! The small choices, they are the ones that truly add up and pave the way for the big, beautiful changes you crave! And that’s exactly why I poured my heart and soul into creating something special just for you: the “Small Everyday Decisions To Show Up Journal”, a 6-month long, enneagram tailored journal to help you take those daily steps towards your goals and dreams!

BUT, I actually didn’t make it just for you, I also made it for me! I made it while I was trying to start and create 3 businesses, record 3 different podcasts, start 2 youtube channels, figure out and navigate my health and healing and so much more – so basically a time that I was working towards a lot of hard goals all at once. 

For most people, starting three businesses or podcasts would be considered the hard goals they might work towards in the journal, and originally – I had planned to use it to help me continue working on those goals. But as I began filling out my journal, I realized those were not the goals I was actually having trouble with at all – it was my personal health and medical goals that proved to be the most difficult. 

For example, I had been told I had to try to eat real foods (aka pureed and the like – not just my tried & true feeding tube formula) and see what would happen since I was coming up on 3 years of infusions, and they wanted to see what impact it had had. As someone who has relied on a feeding tube, meds, infusions, and spent many undiagnosed years in pain due to eating – this was the most uncomfortable goal I could work on mentally & physically – which made me realize it was the one I needed to focus on in my journal. 

By using the journal I saw that the thing that was holding me back from achieving my difficult goals was that I was not tailoring my goals to my strengths and what motivates me. 

As an enneagram type 2, my motivation is in helping others – making it easy to work on my businesses because I believed they could help people. Then, working on my running goal was effortless because it improved my mental state, enabling me to work on my businesses, which I knew would benefit others. 

What I realized was the problem was that I wasn’t connecting the goal of doing these eating experiments with helping anyone but myself and that was not the thing that motivated me. As soon as I started tying the goal to how it would benefit others, I was more motivated to brainstorm small decisions I could make and things I could do (that wouldn’t have me taking on the goal all at once) to start working toward the big goal. 

For one week, I took 1 small step each day to work toward my goal. 

  • I vocalized it to my parents who lived with me, so they would know it was something I wanted to work towards.
  • I called insurance to see what their coverage was for a dietitian.
  • I called dietitians.
  • I interviewed dietitians.
  • I decided on who I wanted to work with.
  • I texted them back committing to start.
  • I made my first appointment.

None of these alone were huge big steps. They were tiny steps that didn’t involve me having to face my big fear of actually trying any food. What they were, were little steps I could take to get me closer.

My point in sharing just a little insight into my journey with the journal is to just highlight and share how this journal has personally really helped me, and how I truly believe that it can help you too. That’s why I really believe in this journal. I have used it myself and I have watched my life begin to change because of it. Spending 5 minutes every morning to just be intentional about setting out my small goals for the day and also reminding myself of my what behind doing them – has made me so much more motivated to actually do them. I hope that this does the same for you too. 

Get the Journal!


Please note that all content on this page, website, and any affiliated resources is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of treatment from a physician. NO information on this page or website should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. Additionally, please be aware that some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, from which I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase through those links.

Hi! I'm Haley James

I’m a multi-passionate and purpose-driven entrepreneur, non-profit founder, chronic illness activist and advocate, podcaster, speaker, and healthy home interior designer.

But that’s not really who I am—it’s what I do. While that gives you some context, it doesn’t show you my heart or the reason I do what I do and that’s way more important, so let me tell you!

After being sick for 10 years with over 20 chronic and rare conditions, needing a feeding tube and weekly infusions to survive, I learned how short and fragile life is. 

I also learned that I wanted to make the most of the life I had and for me I knew that meant taking my pain and turning it into passion, purpose, and positive impact, so I could pay forward all the love, support, and help that others gave me in my time of need.

So that’s what I try to do here: share my story and journey to help inspire, empower, and equip others to turn their struggles into their strengths and create a life they truly love—filled with passion, purpose, and positive impact—while I work to do the same! I hope you’ll join me!

Hi! I'm Haley James!

I’m a multi-passionate & purpose-driven entrepreneur, non-profit founder, chronic illness activist & advocate, podcaster, speaker, and healthy home interior designer – but really I’m just a girl trying to find her way, who loves making things that I hope matter and make a positive difference in people’s lives!

After being sick for 10 years with over 20 chronic and rare conditions, needing a feeding tube and weekly infusions to survive, I learned how short & fragile life is. As I began to heal, I realized all I really wanted to do with my time was pay forward all the love, support, and help that others gave me in my time of need. 

So that’s what I try to do here: share my story and journey to help inspire, empower, and equip others to turn their struggles into their strengths and create a life they truly love—filled with passion, purpose, and positive impact—while I work to do the same! I hope you’ll join me!

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Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

What is The Bloom? The Bloom is my personal letter to you, dedicated to supporting your growth and flourishing in all aspects of life – from your health, well-being and entrepreneurial pursuits to overcoming obstacles, discovering passions, stepping into purpose and finding avenues for positive impact – The Bloom is all about helping you create a life you truly love – whatever that looks like for you!

I like to think of The Bloom newsletter as the water, soil, or sunlight I hope to be able to give you to help you grow and bloom in your own life! That’s why as a member of The Bloom community, you’ll get heartfelt personal letters from me sharing stories, resources, tools, inspiration and support to help you on your personal growth journey.

The Bloom is here to meet you in all seasons of life – whether you’re feeling buried in the dirt eager to sprout or standing 10 ft tall aspiring to reach even greater heights, or somewhere in between, the bloom is here to inspire, empower, equip and support you on your journey to getting you to where you want to be and make a positive impact along the way. I hope you’ll come grow with us!

Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

What is The Bloom? The Bloom is my personal letter to you, dedicated to supporting your growth and flourishing in all aspects of life – from your health, well-being and entrepreneurial pursuits to overcoming obstacles, discovering passions, stepping into purpose and finding avenues for positive impact – The Bloom is all about helping you create a life you truly love – whatever that looks like for you!

I like to think of The Bloom newsletter as the water, soil, or sunlight I hope to be able to give you to help you grow and bloom in your own life! That’s why as a member of The Bloom community, you’ll get heartfelt personal letters from me sharing stories, resources, tools, inspiration and support to help you on your personal growth journey.

The Bloom is here to meet you in all seasons of life – whether you’re feeling buried in the dirt eager to sprout or standing 10 ft tall aspiring to reach even greater heights, or somewhere in between, the bloom is here to inspire, empower, equip and support you on your journey to getting you to where you want to be and make a positive impact along the way. I hope you’ll come grow with us!


Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

I love connecting with people in this community! It’s my favorite thing that I get to do and this is one of the places I love to do it!

I only ever want to send you things I truly believe in my heart will serve you, support you, equip you, empower you and make you feel seen, heard & loved! Which to me means 0% spam & 100% all good things!

As a welcome gift, you’ll instantly unlock a 10% discount on your first crewneck, gain immediate access to my most popular free guide and of course friendship with me and this community! We can’t wait to have you!


Come Be Part Of The Bloom!

I love connecting with people in this community! It’s my favorite thing that I get to do and this is one of the places I love to do it!

I only ever want to send you things I truly believe in my heart will serve you, support you, equip you, empower you and make you feel seen, heard & loved! Which to me means 0% spam & 100% all good things!

As a welcome gift, you’ll instantly unlock a 10% discount on your first crewneck, gain immediate access to my most popular free guide and of course friendship with me and this community! We can’t wait to have you!


Come Be Part Of
The Bloom!

I love connecting with people in this community! It’s my favorite thing that I get to do and this is one of the places I love to do it!

I only ever want to send you things I truly believe in my heart will serve you, support you, equip you, empower you and make you feel seen, heard & loved! Which to me means 0% spam & 100% all good things!

As a welcome gift, you’ll instantly unlock a 10% discount on your first crewneck, gain immediate access to my most popular free guide and of course friendship with me and this community! We can’t wait to have you!

YAY! I'm So excited to have you joining this community!

As promised here is your first welcome gift! Just click below and it’ll automatically download!

Also, be sure to check your email to make sure you received my welcome email that has your 10% off discount code so you can get another gift for yourself because you deserve it!

YAY! I'm So excited to have you joining this community!

As promised here is your first welcome gift! Just click below and it’ll automatically download!

Also, be sure to check your email to make sure you received my welcome email that has your 10% off discount code so you can get another gift for yourself because you deserve it!

YAY! I'm So excited to have you joining this community!

As promised here is your first welcome gift! Just click below and it’ll automatically download!

Also, be sure to check your email to make sure you received my welcome email that has your 10% off discount code so you can get another gift for yourself because you deserve it!